Prayer Ministry
A prayerful way to approach
inner healing
What is Prayer Ministry?
Prayer Ministry can be summed up in to two words; restoration and reconciliation. Scriptural principles and guidance from the Holy Spirit are what leads us toward healing the hearts of the hurting. Release Counseling is all about setting the captives free. Helping individuals be "released" from strongholds of emotional pain. Released from depression, anxiety and fear. Released from behaviors that led to broken relationships. Released from the affects of trauma. Released from guilt and shame. Released from habitual sinful behaviors. Get to the root. Realign with God's Truth. Walk in Victory.
Get to the Root
"Bitter roots", a term coined from Elijah House and the teachings of John and Paula Sanford, are inner strongholds that lay way beneath the surface. These roots are what keep people held captive and buried in recurring sinful behaviors, broken relationships, dysfunction, and feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, and hopelessness. As prayer counselors, we are led by the Holy Spirit and prophetic prayer in our sessions to discover what those roots are, and just how to sever them, dig them up, and lay them down at the foot of the Cross. God wants to heal the broken hearts of this world, and we believe freedom comes from seeking Him through inner healing and Prayer Ministry.
Realign with the Truth
God designed us in His perfect image. The image He created for us doesn't align with His people suffering from recurring sin, broken relationships, dysfunction, and feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, and hopelessness. Inner healing restores the places in a person's heart that are suffering from negative emotions and puts them back into alignment with who He created them to be. Forgiveness, mercy, grace, and most of all, love are the tools that allow us to be in perfect alignment with Him. When you take these tools and apply them to the root issues, the damage that they have caused can be lifted off their shoulders, and laid down at the foot of the cross.
Walk in Victory
The enemy wants to keep us in our sin and he's hard at work to do so. The cross was the last stop for sin and death, and Jesus died to cover our sins, a true victory. True freedom can come from accepting this as truth, and we can walk away from the idea that we have to live in defeat. We are released to be the person God designed us to be.
Get to the Root
Realign with God's Truth
Walk in Victory
Our Mission
Releasing Inner Healing to hearts through the power of the cross.
Four Basic Principles
Honoring/Dishonoring Father & Mother
Judging & Receiving
Sowing & Reaping
Bitter Roots